Friday, May 02, 2008

Go to South Africa and get certified

.. and have a great time

I know, I know, it's been a while. But I have been busy struggling with spaghetti code for a client that provided the spaghetti without a cookbook (but that's another story).

And that's not all that I have been working on.

New site

After being in the works for quite some time today a new site was launched: Training ICT. This site offers a great way to get Microsoft certified in a truly inspiring part of the world.

Good for employers

Many employers find it an absolute must that employees are fully Microsoft certified and send them to a couple of training courses. The employees are than not productive, but hey it serves a greater purpose! Fully certified personel brings in greater revenue! (At least that's what they believe.)

Sending them out on courses costs time and money, but does not guarantee that they get certified: they need to pass their exams! Wouldn't it be nice if you could get some form of guarantee? Time and money well spent.

Good for employees

So, what's in it for the employees? Going to a course is always fun in some way. It's better than real work, duh. You learn something new and the lunch is great. But what if there would be something more? Some real fun mixed into it?

The concept

The idea is simpel and great:

  • take a plane to South Africa,
  • stay there for three weeks,
  • do a couple of courses,
  • pass the exam and become fully certified
  • AND go on some wonderful day trips in glorious South-Africa!

When you come from Europe you will have no jetlag as well!

The price is very acceptable when comparing the prices of the individual courses to the overall price a lifetime trip like this.

Go and have look on the Fast Track!

On the site on certification is pelled out completely, but the possiblities are unlimited. Get on the Fast Track to certification!

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