.. always good for some interesting quotes and smiles
At the risk of being butchered, here's an interesting quote from the great Jakob Nielsen:
One of a weblog's great benefits is that it essentially frees you from "Web design." You write a paragraph, click a button, and it's posted on the Internet. No need for visual design, page design, interaction design, information architecture, or any programming or server maintenance.
The full article is Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox). But before you go and read it, that is not my point.
My smile was brought upon by this:
No need for visual design, page design, interaction design
Go ahead and look at the site and see his implementation of this. This seems like a perfect implementation of this statement.
While I'm not exactly overly happy with my design in progress, Nielsen's statement is utter nonsense. No visual design? No page design? That would pretty much mean html,body,text,/body,/html, right? Fonts and the use of linebreaks, bolds and italics apparently don't count as design? I beg to differ.