Friday, March 24, 2006

Listen to the radio

.. well the computer then

Fridays I am not at my normal daytime profession. I try to dabble a bit at home. And while happily dabbling along I like some music.

I don't like DeeJays. Well, I hate most of them. Just filling up time that could have been filled with music. There are some channels that don't have DeeJays but they not always bring the music I want.

Now there are stations slash web sites like that do not have DeeJays and where you have a big influence on what music you hear and also through the set up of the appliaction you are pointed at similar artists and discover many hidden gems.

Here's what I have been listening to lately:

1 comment:

  1. Last FM rocks!

    lol, my word verification word : sscow. SS Cow to earth, Major Tom has left the ship.


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